Call of Academics and Researchers Against Disposable Immigration

Researchers and teacher-researchers, we will participate in the April 5 demonstration called by the collective “United against disposable immigration”.

First of all because, as citizens, we cannot bring ourselves to see human rights violated by an increasingly repressive, inhuman and xenophobic immigration policy (“round-ups” of undocumented migrants, arrests and detentions of children, inhuman treatment in detention centers, deprivation of their freedom of expression when they revolt, project to extend detention to 18 months by the shame directive, development of interconnected biometric files such as Eloi, etc.). Over the past five years, 100,000 undocumented migrants have been deported. This policy reaches, beyond the designated target of undocumented people and families of foreigners, the entire population. After having instituted the iniquitous Ministry of Immigration and National Identity,

We do not support the cynicism with which the government calls for a “chosen immigration” while it hunts the immigrants allegedly suffered, these women and men who have been victims of the complexity and restrictions of French laws (notably the laws of 2003, 2006 and 2007 which further increase prefectural arbitrariness and restrict the right to asylum); these people who, held by fear, look after children that the nurseries do not welcome, build buildings, cook or dip in big restaurants. To have work without the worker, such is the implicit slogan which is proposed to us, and whose contradiction announces the permanent questioning of the rights of each and everyone.

This repressive policy affects not only undocumented migrants but also foreigners with a residence permit and the French. For each of the undocumented people trapped by iniquitous identity checks, how many foreigners in good standing or French people who do not have the right skin color are humiliated on a daily basis? How many foreigners and French people are denied the right to marry the woman or the man of their choice on the pretext that their love is only of convenience?

But we will also demonstrate because, as academics, we do not tolerate that the independence which is the basis of our profession is called into question on a daily basis.

On the one hand in our research, in which a power, which does not hide its xenophobia and its racism, tries to interfere. The latest example is the plan to set up an “Institute for Immigration Studies” in October 2007, which claimed to become a “unified window” for studies on the subject. The researchers should henceforth have applied to an institute chaired by a personality known to have attributed the revolts of autumn 2005 to the polygamy of African families; an institute whose scientific council was to be made up of a few researchers accompanied by senior officials and officials (past or present) from TF1, Total, Accor, Eiffage or even Renault; an institute, finally, which was to depend not on the Ministry of Research but on that of Immigration and National Identity.

On the other hand in higher education, the organization of which is parasitized by the intrusion of xenophobic policies. How can we accept that a body other than the university and its professionals decides on the admission of a student or his pursuit of studies, and that it allows itself to judge the coherence of his university course? Yet this is what the brand new Study Centers in France are doing, which selects, in the countries of origin and in place of the universities, the students that the government will have “chosen”. For those who manage to enroll in a French university, their university courses are then checked by the prefectures. Which, on the pretext of a reorientation or a few non-validated exams, will hasten to refuse the renewal of residence permits. Foreign students thus have no right to make mistakes or to hesitate. As for us, their teachers, we see our grading, designed to support students and then certify their aptitudes, transformed into an instrument of the prefectures to deliver people underground or expel.

Because the increasingly serious violations of the rights of foreigners are also, indirectly, an attack on our professional independence, we join the call of the collective “United against a disposable immigration” not only as a citizen. s, but also as researchers and teacher-researchers, and call on all our colleagues to demonstrate on April 5.

http: // academics-against-an-im …

First signatories:
Marie AMARA (PhD student, Montpellier) Etienne BALIBAR (Professor emeritus, University of Paris X Nanterre) Mohamed BELAALI (Lecturer, Poitiers) David BENLIAN (Professor emeritus, Marseille) Jennifer BIDET (PhD student in sociology, Lyon) Philippe BOURDIN (University professor , Clermont-Ferrand) Philippe CORCUFF (Lecturer in political science, Lyon) Pierre COURS-SALIES (Professor University Paris 8) Saskia COUSIN (Lecturer-researcher, IUT de Tours) Michel DELAMAR (Professor University Paris 7) Jean-Luc GAUTERO (Lecturer, Nice) Isabelle GONCALVES (Lecturer-Researcher Paris) Jean-Luc GODET (Lecturer, Angers) Claude JAMET (Lecturer, Serezin du rhône) Nicolas JOUNIN (Lecturer, Paris 8) Michel KOEBEL ( Associate Professor, Reims) Marie-Françoise LEBONNOIS (Psychologist,Cherbourg-Octeville) Annick MARECHAL (Retired Professor, Elancourt) Denis MARECHAL (Thésard, Nimes) Philippe MARLIERE (Political scientist, London) Meryem MARZOUKI (CNRS Researcher) Alain MORICE (Researcher at CNRS) Gérard NOIRIEL (Historian) Mary PICONE (Teacher -researcher, Paris) Cédric POCHIC (CNRS Researcher, Paris) Ariel PROVOST (Professor, Clermont-Ferrand) Emmanuelle SAVIGNAC (Anthropologist) Charles SOULIE (Senior Lecturer, Paris 8) Anne STEINER (Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Paris) Jean-Pierre TERRAIL (Sociologist) Josette TRAT (Teacher-researcher in sociology, Paris) Yann VACHER (Teacher, IUFM de Corte) Annie VINOKUR (Professor emeritus) Loïc WACQUANT (Sociologist)London) Meryem MARZOUKI (CNRS Researcher) Alain MORICE (CNRS Researcher) Gérard NOIRIEL (Historian) Mary PICONE (Teacher-researcher, Paris) Cédric POCHIC (CNRS Researcher, Paris) Ariel PROVOST (Professor, Clermont-Ferrand) Emmanuelle SAVIGNAC (Anthropologist) Charles SOULIE (Senior lecturer, Paris 8) Anne STEINER (Senior lecturer in sociology, Paris) Jean-Pierre TERRAIL (Sociologist) Josette TRAT (Teacher-researcher in sociology, Paris) Yann VACHER (Teacher, IUFM de Corte) Annie VINOKUR (Professor emeritus) Loïc WACQUANT (Sociologist)London) Meryem MARZOUKI (CNRS Researcher) Alain MORICE (CNRS Researcher) Gérard NOIRIEL (Historian) Mary PICONE (Teacher-researcher, Paris) Cédric POCHIC (CNRS Researcher, Paris) Ariel PROVOST (Professor, Clermont-Ferrand) Emmanuelle SAVIGNAC (Anthropologist) Charles SOULIE (Senior lecturer, Paris 8) Anne STEINER (Senior lecturer in sociology, Paris) Jean-Pierre TERRAIL (Sociologist) Josette TRAT (Teacher-researcher in sociology, Paris) Yann VACHER (Teacher, IUFM de Corte) Annie VINOKUR (Professor emeritus) Loïc WACQUANT (Sociologist)Paris 8) Anne STEINER (Associate Professor in Sociology, Paris) Jean-Pierre TERRAIL (Sociologist) Josette TRAT (Teacher-researcher in sociology, Paris) Yann VACHER (Teacher, IUFM de Corte) Annie VINOKUR (Professor emeritus) Loïc WACQUANT (Sociologist )Paris 8) Anne STEINER (Associate Professor in Sociology, Paris) Jean-Pierre TERRAIL (Sociologist) Josette TRAT (Teacher-researcher in sociology, Paris) Yann VACHER (Teacher, IUFM de Corte) Annie VINOKUR (Professor emeritus) Loïc WACQUANT (Sociologist )

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