Who Are We ?

Organizations That Signed the “United Against Disposable Immigration” Petition

If your organization does not appear there although you indicated its support several days ago, please send us an email , indicating the name of the organization, the function you exercise there as well as your contact details … by clicking here

  1. ACAT France (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture and Capital Executions)
  2. AAPAC (Association of Afro-Caribbean visual artists)
  3. ACCES (ACtions for Citizenship and Health Education)
  4. Home-Charonne
  5. Home Asylum Seekers ADA Grenoble
  6. ACDR (Arts and Culture of Deux Rives)
  7. ACER (Association for European Citizenship of Residence)
  8. ACORT (Citizens’ Assembly of Turkish origin)
  9. Lyonnaise Action for Integration through Housing (ALPIL)
  10. ACT’UP-Paris
  11. ADDE (Association for the Law of Foreigners)
  12. ADFE West Japan
  13. ADN (Association for Democracy in Nice)
  14. AEOM (Association of students of Malagasy origin)
  15. AFASPA (French Association of Friendship and Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa)
  16. AFBM (Franco-Berber Association Montpellier)
  17. Afghanistan Free
  18. A-Freak-A , Fair Trade Clothing from Africa
  19. Africa Partners Services
  20. AFVS (Association of families victims of lead poisoning)
  21. AGET FSE
  22. Act for the environment and sustainable development (AE2D)
  23. Act together against unemployment ( AC! )
  24. AEDH Acting Together for Human Rights
  25. Africultures
  26. AGET-FSE
  27. Act here
  28. Act and defend Saint Fons
  29. Agora training
  30. Agro without borders
  31. AHGE (Gennevilloise Humanitarian Education Association)
  32. AIRES 10 Associative Social Center
  33. ALDA (Regional Association for the Fight against Discrimination and for Equal Opportunities) Alsace
  34. HELP Federation
  35. Guyanese wings
  36. Aix Solidarity
  37. ALIF without papers
  38. Black Citizen Alliance
  39. Alliances Without Borders
  40. Vegetarian Alliance
  41. The alternatives
  42. Citizen Alternative
  43. Alternative Color Citizen (Tours)
  44. Alternative Citizen / The Left Otherwise Lower Normandy
  45. Left alternative
  46. Libertarian Alternative
  47. Alternative in Midi-Pyrénées
  48. Americans Against the War-AAW-France
  49. Association of African Caribbean Students and Sympathizers of the University of Paris I (AMECAS Paris I)
  50. Friends of the Bus des Femmes
  51. Friends of the Paris Commune – 1871
  52. Friends of the Foundation for the Memory of the Deportation of Isère (AFMD)
  53. Friends of Karl Marx
  54. Friends of families and victims of illegal migration (AFVMC) Cameroon
  55. ANAFÉ (National Association of Border Assistance for Foreigners)
  56. French branch of the Faith & Justice Africa-Europe Network
  57. APAP (CHRS Amiens)
  58. APEIS
  59. CALL
  60. APSEC (Reception, Prevention, Support for Cambodian and Chinese Children)
  61. APSR (Association for the reception of doctors and health workers who have taken refuge in France)
  62. ARBP
  63. ARCAT
  64. Arch’Asia
  65. ARChe – International Republicans Forum
  66. Artists Without Borders
  67. ARRA (Action Retour Réussite Afrique)
  68. ARSER (Association of Senegalese of Rennes)
  69. ASIAD (Association of Solidarity and Information for Access to Rights)
  70. Asociacion de Chilenos en Espana
  71. Association A ta Turkey
  72. ACAJOU Association
  73. Association for welcoming asylum seekers “pied a terre” in Poitiers-86
  74. Home-Integration-Meeting Association
  75. Association for the Reception of Travelers (ASAV)
  76. Act-Agir Association
  77. Citizen Action Association
  78. Activa’Jeunes Association
  79. Actis Association
  80. Solidarity News Association
  81. AERO Association
  82. Association act against discrimination at school
  83. Personalized Help and Assistance Association
  84. Association for the Development of Student Projects in Management of the “AEPEMDA” Associations of Bourg-en-Bresse
  85. Association of aid and union for the wounded of existence ( AUBE )
  86. Guyanese wings association
  87. Alter and Equals Association
  88. Association “Friends of Gabriel Maire”
  89. Association “Les Amis du Ferret”
  90. AMPIL Association
  91. Association of Former Employees of ISM Traduction (AS-ISM)
  92. Association “For a left alternative in the Rhône” ( PAG69 )
  93. Aremedia Association
  94. Sensitive Art Association
  95. Association Autremonde
  96. Association Aza-id Productions
  97. Babel Association
  98. Baobab Association
  99. Benkadi Afema Association
  100. Biterroise Association Against Racism (ABCR) (Beziers)
  101. Association biterroise France Algeria
  102. Blue Méridien Association
  103. Association “To Everyone Ségou”
  104. Al cantara Association
  105. Carybs Association
  106. CACIS Association
  107. CERISE Association (Mutual Aid Community and Information and Support Network for International Students in France)
  108. Motives Citizens Association of Moirans (Isère)
  109. Citrus Association
  110. Association Chambéry Ouahigouya
  111. Association of Charity and Family Affairs (AC3AF)
  112. Association La Clède
  113. Colibri Association
  114. Association of the Colombian Colony in France (ASSOCOL)
  115. Youth community association (CHRS)
  116. Association for Cooperation and Mutual Assistance for African Development (ACEEDA)
  117. Berber Culture Association of Val d’Oise (ACBVO)
  118. Cultural Association of Turkish Alevis in Strasbourg (ACATS)
  119. Association of Malian Graduates and Students of France (ADEM-France)
  120. Discovery Association
  121. Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Morocco ( ASDHOM )
  122. Tomorrow the Earth Association
  123. Association Democracy Ecology Solidarity ( ADES )
  124. Democratic Association of French People Abroad French People in the World ( ADFE-FdM )
  125. Association Development and Citizen Action (ADAC)
  126. Strategy development association
  127. Togolese Diaspora Association in France (DTF)
  128. Differences association – Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  129. Association of Doctor Eugène Jamot
  130. Dadaprod association
  131. Association dom’asile
  132. Association Drugi Most, another bridge to the Balkans
  133. Saint-Etienne Exchange and Promotion Association
  134. Association L’Echo Râleur
  135. Eclats de Voix Association
  136. Association “the schoolchildren of Gojam”
  137. Association Editions Cultures Croisés
  138. L’encrier association
  139. Association In Games Lille
  140. Children of the World Association – Human Rights
  141. Association for the Education and Training of Immigrant Workers of Paris
  142. Association Epinay-sur-Seine – Yesterday and Today
  143. Associatin ESSOR93
  144. Association of Taiwanese Students in France ( AETF )
  145. Association “Women of rights, women’s rights”
  146. Association of Iranian Women in France
  147. Women of Words Association
  148. Festival Plein Sud Association
  149. French Association of Democratic Jurists
  150. Association France Algeria / Brest
  151. France-Cuba Loiret Association
  152. Association-Franco Africaine d’Actions Solidaires et d’Entraide (AFAASE)
  153. Gessian Association against Racism and Fascism (AGRAF)
  154. Association of the inhabitants of HLM de Souillac
  155. Association Habitat Alternatif Social Marseille
  156. Hui Ji Association
  157. Association of Ideas
  158. Association Inititiaves nutrition développement édi = ucation santé (INDES)
  159. Association for Integration and Citizenship (AIC)
  160. Association Intercapa Solidarity Foreign Students
  161. international association raout system
  162. Association of Jurists for the Recognition of the Fundamental Rights of Foreigners
  163. Joj Mamo Association
  164. Association “JurisCité”
  165. Association Justice Action Libertés
  166. Association “Justice, Islam, Dignity” (JID)
  167. Karera Association
  168. Kavkaz association
  169. Kialucera Association
  170. Khatam Association
  171. Association kolors (capoeira)
  172. Lance-Pierre Production Association
  173. Lesbian & Gay Pride Association Center region ( LGP Center region )
  174. Local Association of Algerian Women in Nantes (ALFA)
  175. High school and student association (ALE)
  176. Association “the house next door”
  177. Oberlin House Association
  178. Association of Moroccans of France / Paris
  179. Moroccan Association for Human Rights
  180. Moroccan Association of the Democratic Way
  181. Memorial Association 98
  182. Mille Bâbords Association
  183. Minorygays Association
  184. Miranda Association for the Defense of Foreigners’ Rights (Bourges)
  185. Association the World of Cultures
  186. Montpellier Association for a Humanist and Secular Judaism – AMJHL
  187. Mosaique Association (anti-racist committee of Choisy le Roi and Orly)
  188. National Association Les Garibaldiens
  189. National Association all together for Gypsies
  190. Association Nijal “L’Envol”
  191. North of the Seine Association
  192. Association of the New Immigrant Generation (ANGI)
  193. Association “We are all responsible”
  194. Shadow enlight association
  195. OSIRIS Association
  196. Piotr-Tchaadaev Association
  197. Plants and Nomads Association
  198. People’s Mutual Aid Association
  199. Primo Levi Association
  200. Association “On the Bridge of Exchanges, the world is changing”
  201. Association for Helping Mothers and Children in Difficulty (APAMED)
  202. Association for a united and sustainable development of the country of Save and Louge (ADPSL)
  203. Pueblo Association
  204. Association for the Recognition of the Rights and Freedoms of Muslim Women (ARDLFM)
  205. Association for the Recognition of the Rights of Homosexual and Transsexual Persons to Immigration and Residence (ARDHIS)
  206. Association “Look at sight”
  207. Residence de l’Ecluse Association
  208. Association of Nationals of Diogountouro (ARD)
  209. Revivre Association
  210. Black Dress Association
  211. RomSorinières Association
  212. SALAM Association
  213. Samba-Lezart Association
  214. Loire-Atlantique Migrant Health Association (ASAMLA)
  215. Green Sauce Association
  216. Youth Protection Association ( ASJ )
  217. Natural Flavors Association
  218. Sierra Maestra Association
  219. Sirius YMS Association
  220. Association Sol En Si (Solidarity Children AIDS)
  221. SOLIDA Association
  222. Citizen Solidarity Association Here and in Algeria (ASCIA)
  223. Solidarity and Development Association
  224. Association of Solidarity with Algerian Democratic Women (ASFAD)
  225. Association Solidarite Franco-Chilienne
  226. Solidarity Association Jean Merlin
  227. Youth Solidarity Association
  228. Migrant solidarity association (Beauvais)
  229. Association of Solidarity with Migrant Workers (ASTM) Montpellier
  230. Association of Solidarity with Turkish Workers (ASTTu)
  231. Association Terre d’Esperance
  232. Association Thélémythe
  233. Trait d’Inion Association – France Maghreb
  234. Association “work and culture” of the Roussillon agglomeration
  235. Association of Anarchist Immigrant Workers
  236. Association of Maghrebian Workers of France of Meurthe-et-Moselle
  237. Moselle Turkish Workers Association (ATTM)
  238. Association of Tunisians of the North of France (ATNF)
  239. Turbulences Association
  240. Valabas Association
  241. Association VETO!
  242. Association Vivre Ensemble in Couëron, on the left with the Greens (VEC)
  243. Association “There’s the suburbs in the air”
  244. ASSOFSI
  245. Assouevam 94
  246. ATP
  247. ATF (Association of Tunisians of France)
  248. ATMF (Association of Magrebhins Workers in France)
  249. Attac-France
  250. Auxilia
  251. Cultural Notice
  252. Ban Asbestos France
  253. Le Bar Floréal.photography
  254. Boudiou movement
  255. Move your youth
  256. Cabiria (Community health action with prostitutes)
  257. Cactus / The Left!
  258. CADAC (Coordination of associations for the right to abortion and contraception)
  259. CADTM
  260. CANVA (Coordination of Non-Violent Action of the Arch of Lanza del Vasto)
  261. Heading Left 19
  262. CAPJPO-EuroPalestine
  263. CAPSDH-France
  264. CARAF
  265. Carvitore-togo
  266. CASI Brittany
  267. CCREG (Consultative Council of Foreign Residents of Grenoblois)
  268. CDATM Third World Documentation and Animation Center Marseille
  269. CDDLE
  270. CEDETIM (Center for Studies and Initiatives of International Solidarity)
  271. CEDIPA (Circle of Initiatives for Africa)
  272. CEFIR Meeting
  273. Reception Center for Asylum Seekers
  274. Help center through work
  275. Social Center Home Goutte d’Or
  276. Kurdish cultural center
  277. Center of cultures of Paris / Ile-de-France
  278. Center of cultures – Toulouse
  279. Third World Documentation and Animation Center, member of Ritimo (CDATM-RITIMO)
  280. Euro med center for migration and development
  281. Information Center on Women’s and Family Rights (CIDF) Orne
  282. Inter-people information center (Grenoble)
  283. Center for Citizens’ Initiative and Access to the Right (s) of Members of Parliament ( CICADE )
  284. Lesbian & Gay Center Nantes Atlantique ( CLGNA )
  285. Moroccan Center for Human Rights
  286. Research and Information Center for Development (CRID)
  287. Rennes Information Center on Development and Solidarity between Peoples (CRIDEV)
  288. AIRES 10 Associative Social Center
  289. Communist and Librarian Revolutionary Circle (CRCL) IEP of Paris
  290. Circles of Tunisians of the Two Rives in Marseille (CTDR)
  291. CFDA of Hautes-Pyrénées
  292. CFDT of the Belvédère Hospital Center
  293. CFDT CPAM of Paris
  294. CFDT S3C Poitou-Charentes
  295. CFPE (French Center for Child Protection)
  296. CGT (General Confederation of Labor)
  297. CGT CELM Mediterranean
  298. CGT of the Social and Educational Committee
  299. CGT of the communes of Villeneuve d’Ascq
  300. CGT CPAM of Paris
  301. CGT Culture
  302. CGT-E General Collective of Energy Workers Dalkia France
  303. CGT Fraisnor
  304. National CGT for CNFPT staff (National Center for Territorial Public Service)
  305. CGT – Prefecture 93
  306. CGT PTT of Financial Services of Lyon
  308. Human chain against hatred
  309. CHIC! Young Ecolos Alternative Solidarity
  310. CIMADE (ecumenical service of mutual aid)
  311. Citizens of the Two Shores
  312. Citizens Together, Saint-Denis Guidimaka
  313. CLAC (High School Committee of the Chambéry Agglomeration)
  314. Social Republic Club
  315. UNESCO Clubs Rhone Alpes
  316. CLAPEST, Liaison committee of associations for the promotion of immigrants in Alsace
  317. CNAFAL (National Council of Secular Family Associations)
  318. CNDF (National Collective for Women’s Rights)
  319. CNT-Jura
  320. CNT-Rhône
  321. COéCie Theater
  322. Colcrea (Association of Colombian Students and Creators in France)
  323. February 25 collective
  324. Collective 43 for the defense of undocumented migrants
  325. Collective 24 of solidarity with undocumented migrants
  326. Collectif 69 undocumented support and asylum seekers
  327. Collective of Accident at Work, Disabled and Retired for Equal Rights (CATRED)
  328. collective After Sangatte
  329. Corsican Antiracist Collective
  330. Bellaciao collective
  331. Collective “cacendr” (against the burial of radioactive waste) of Nancy
  332. Calais collective C’SUR (emergency support collective for refugees)
  333. Communist collective Prometheus
  334. Collective Compagnie Jolie Môme
  335. Collective of the Damned of the Earth
  336. Collective for the defense of undocumented migrants (Millau 12)
  337. Desert rebel collective
  338. Asylum Right Collective-Douarnenez
  339. French Foreign Collective for Equal Rights (CEFED)
  340. French foreign collective in Yvelines (CEFY)
  341. Collective of Feminists for Equality
  342. Collective of Women in Black of Paris
  343. Collectif Fle Fls (French as a foreign language, French as a second language)
  344. French Collective of Incest Victims
  345. Support collective for Exiles from the 10th arrondissement of Paris
  346. Haiti Collective of France
  347. Cannabis Research and Information Collective ( IARC ) Paris Ile-de-France
  348. Libertarian collective of Bourges
  349. Collective Words are important
  350. Midi-Pyrénées collective for women’s rights
  351. Montreuil collective for the rights of the undocumented
  352. ROMEUROPE National Human Rights Collective
  353. Collective adorned “united against disposable immigration”
  354. Paris 19 collective for an alternative to liberalism
  355. PROMODEF collective
  356. Collective for Reflection, Initiatives and Anti-Racist Actions (CRIAAR) of Velaux (13)
  357. Collective “Ruslan Martchev” Douarnenez 29
  358. Undocumented collective of Amiens
  359. Collective of undocumented migrants from Limoges
  360. Collective of undocumented Kabyles of France (CSPK-France)
  361. Sarthois collective against disposable immigration
  362. Solidarity Collective – Migrants from Noyonnais
  363. Migrant Solidarity Collective – Beauvais
  364. Collective in support of undocumented migrants in Val-d’Oise
  365. Collective All roads lead to Roma Saint-Etienne
  366. Unitary Anti Liberal Collective (CUAL) of Montpellier
  367. Unitary collective for a class trade union front
  368. Voironnais Collective For Another Europe
  369. COMEDE (Medical Committee for Exiles)
  370. Housing Actions Committee
  371. Inter-association action committee “Women’s rights, right of residence – against double violence”
  372. Coordination committee of Franco-Turkish associations in the Lyon region
  373. Cultural Committee for Democracy in Benin (CCDB)
  374. Villejuif Undocumented Defense Committee
  375. TEMBEC TARTAS Works Council
  376. Marseille European Committee
  377. Executive Committee of the Local Union of CGT Trade Unions of Carpentras
  378. Wrestling Committee of the Self-managed Popular University of Paloise
  379. Mobilization Committee of the University of Bordeaux 1
  380. Mobilization Committee of the University of Bordeaux 2 Victor Segalen
  381. Homeless Committee
  382. Collective of Muslims of France (CMF)
  383. Committee “Nathalie Menigon”
  384. Standing Committee of Abolitionist Associations
  385. Committee of Solidarity with the Struggles of the Argentine People (CALPA)
  386. Support collective for asylum seekers and undocumented migrants from Tours (37)
  387. Committee to support Roma families in Val-de-Marne
  388. Support collective for Said Aguili’s return to France
  389. Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Roma Support Committee
  390. Sara Camara Support Committee
  391. Saint-Denis Gypsy Support Committee
  392. Ivry Committee for Vigilance Against Racism and for Aid to Undocumented Migrants
  393. Committee of Human Rights Observers (CODHO)
  394. Permanent Liaison Committee of Abolitionist Associations (CPL)
  395. Bel air / Grand Font neighborhood committee
  396. Social Resistance Committee
  397. Chechnya Paris Committee
  398. Chechnya Committee Strasbourg
  399. Chechnya Committee 21
  400. Bourges Vigilance Committee
  401. Mobile art company
  402. Migrating Media & Productions Company
  403. Company Save the Night
  404. Theater Company One Word … One Voice
  405. Audio visual companions
  406. National Confederation of Labor of Aude
  407. Peasant Confederation
  408. National Malian Youth Council of France
  409. Regional Council of UNESCO Clubs (CRCU) of Bourgogne Franche Comté
  410. regional council of moroccans of france region piacardie (CRMF)
  411. CRAN Representative Council of Black Associations
  412. Counter-conference
  413. Convention for the 6th Republic (C6R)
  414. Coordination 93 for the fight against undocumented migrants
  415. Coordination of the Non-Violent Action of the Ark of Lanza del Vasto (CANVA)
  416. Coordination of IDF AMFs
  417. Coordination of Associations, NGOs and Women’s Groups of Malians in France (CAFO Mali France)
  418. Coordination of Women’s Groups Equality
  419. Coordination of intermittent and precarious workers in Ile-de-France ( CIP-IDF )
  420. French coordination for the right of immigrants to live with their families
  421. Franco Berber coordination of the longwy basin
  422. Lesbian coordination in France
  423. Maurienne Coordination for Asylum Law
  424. Rhône-Alpes coordination of support for undocumented migrants
  425. COPAF (Collective for the Future of Households)
  426. Current international socialism or barbarism
  427. CNT Social Health 69
  428. Believers in freedom-Saint Etienne
  429. CSF (Trade Union Confederation of Families)
  430. Cultures and dialogue
  431. Culture and Freedom
  432. DAL (Right to Housing)
  433. In the City
  434. The Sentimental Flesh
  435. Socialist approach
  436. Local Democracy and Citizenship ( DECIL ) Mantes-la-Jolie
  437. Democrats of France
  438. Democracy & Socialism (75)
  439. Two shores
  440. Diagonale IDF- Association for the fight against AIDS
  441. Belair dictionaries
  442. DIDF
  443. DILTI interministerial delegation to fight against illegal work
  444. Divers’City
  445. Djelia K
  446. Rights Ahead !!
  447. Europe-Maghreb Law and Immigration (DIEM)
  448. Rights and freedoms in the Churches
  449. Rights for All
  450. Girl Scouts Eclaireurs De France Lorient
  451. Listening Concertation fight Help and Solution (ECLAS)
  452. Nomadic Screen
  453. Cultures Croisés editions
  454. Popular education & Social transformation
  455. Tie Toulouse Mirail
  456. Elena (Association of lawyers linked to the European Council for Refugees and Exiles)
  457. Emancipation inter-union trend
  458. Emmaus France
  459. FORWARD! Productions (cultural association)
  460. Uppercase childhood
  461. Children of the world – human rights
  462. Teachers For Peace
  463. Living and Working Together
  464. Space (reception for foreigners)
  465. Che Guevara Space
  466. Hopes for young people
  467. Hope Without Borders
  468. Europe Ecology Paca
  469. Solidarity Europe Without Borders ( ESSF )
  470. Extreme junction
  471. Grenoble Green College
  472. FCPE
  473. AEFTI Federation
  474. Anarchist Federation
  475. Federation of Craftsmen of the World
  476. Federation of Franco-African Development Associations (FAFRAD)
  477. Federation of Lay Associations of Roubaix
  478. Federation of Associations of Solidarity with Immigrant Workers (FASTI)
  479. Federation of social centers of the Rhône
  480. Federation of Social Centers of Vienne
  481. Moselle Culture and Freedom Federation
  482. General Federation of Transport and Equipment (FGTE-CFDT)
  483. Federation of African Women’s Initiatives from France and Europe (IFAFE Federation)
  484. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
  485. National Federation of Franco-African Associations (FNAFA)
  486. CGT national federation of staff from research, advice and prevention companies
  487. National Federation of Solidarity Women ( FNSF )
  488. National Federation Stop Independent Racism
  489. Solidarity Peoples Federation (member of CRID)
  490. Sud Etudiant Federation
  491. Student Union Federation
  492. Unitary Trade Union Federation (FSU)
  493. Federation of Tunisians for Citizenship of the Two Shores (FTCR)
  494. Women rights and development in Africa
  495. Women in Black – Isère
  496. Women in Black from Paris
  497. Women Relais du Paris 20th
  498. Women in Solidarity
  499. Solidarity Women of Seine-Saint-Denis
  500. Women of the Earth
  501. FIDL 44
  502. FIDL Upper Normandy
  503. Flexilanguages
  504. FNARS (National Federation of Reception and Social Reintegration Associations)
  505. Copernicus Foundation
  506. Militant forces
  507. Rhône-Alpes Citizen Forum
  508. Gay and lesbian forum of Lyon
  509. Socialist Forum
  510. Forum for another world
  511. La Force Rural Secular Home
  512. France Latin America , Bordeaux Gironde Committee
  513. France Latin America, Charente-Maritime Committee
  514. France Liberties-Danielle Mitterrand Foundation
  515. France Terre d’Asile (FTDA)
  516. France-Solidarity
  517. Fraternity Without Borders
  518. Neighborhood Humanist Action Front
  519. United Front for Anti-Colonialist Struggle (FULAC)
  520. FUAF
  521. Fumigene magazine
  522. GAS
  523. Republican Left
  524. GCCST (Christian Group Against AIDS in Togo)
  525. Gisti (Information and support group for immigrants)
  526. GIRCOM
  527. Fat on the left
  528. GRDR – the Research and Implementation Group for Rural Development
  529. Nancy anarchist group Marée Noire
  530. Saint-Etienne Anticyclone Group
  531. Living environment group
  532. CRI Group (Internationalist Revolutionary Communist)
  533. Louis Lecoin Non-Violent Group (Dunkirk)
  534. group “Otaké”
  535. SOS Group
  536. Alternative Social Housing
  537. Housing Health Development
  538. Hacktivisms
  539. Hagua-Caribbean
  540. Homosexualities and Socialism (HES)
  541. IDD (Immigration Development Democracy)
  542. Images from elsewhere
  543. Communist initiative (newspaper)
  544. Natives of the Republic
  545. Citizen Initiatives and Actions for Democracy and Development
  546. Innovation and Development
  547. Interassociative lesbian, gay, bi and trans ( Inter-LGBT )
  548. Interhousing 93
  549. Gaullist International
  550. Italian Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
  551. ISR Info
  552. Youth for the Communist Renaissance in France ( JRCF )
  553. Young CGT 67 (Bas-Rhin)
  554. Young Communists of Doubs
  555. Young Left Radicals ( JRG )
  556. Young Socialists for the Left Rally ( JSRAG )
  557. Revolutionary Communist Youth (JCR)
  558. Kitana
  559. Language culture and communication
  560. Latinoamerica Unida
  561. LDH (League of Human Rights)
  562. Limousin Palestine (AFPS)
  563. The General
  564. Lyon Lesbian and Gay Pride
  565. La Llave
  566. The House of Algeria
  567. The Maison des Femmes de Montreuil
  568. The pot
  569. La Méridienne (association for the respect of the meridian time) – # La Scène du Balcon
  570. La Souris Verte Alsace – The Young Greens
  571. La Vie Nouvelle – For a personalist and Citizen alternative
  572. The artichoke choir
  573. The Duty of Memories
  574. The Manifesto (journal)
  575. The rock mill
  576. The CRI Movement
  577. Le Mouvement du Nid – Delegation of Montpellier
  578. The Nid Des Vosges Movement
  579. Le pied à terre – Asile Solidarité Logement
  580. Le Rouet A Coeur Open – Marseille
  581. Friends of Goma in France
  582. The Young Greens – The Green Mouse
  583. Moroccans as a family
  584. Peripherals speak to you
  585. The Socialists of Haute-Loire who said No
  586. The National Table
  587. The Greens
  588. Lamastrock
  589. Franco-African liaison
  590. Free thought Aveyron
  591. Cojepian Popular Education League ( LICEP )
  592. League of Advisors of France (LCF)
  593. Workers’ struggle
  594. MACAQ
  595. Limoges Human Rights House
  596. Montreuil Women’s House
  597. Handicap House
  598. European markets / Euromarches
  599. Max friends
  600. Doctors from Africa / Europe
  601. Doctors of the World
  602. Memory Of The Future
  603. My dinosaurs
  604. Health migrations
  605. Christian Mission of Social Promotion
  606. Mistouta
  607. Mr J.C. Evreux
  608. Hot air balloon
  609. Morlaix Liberties
  610. Motivated 76
  611. Motivated for Colombes
  612. Movement for a Nonviolent Alternative ( MAN )
  613. Movement for a Republican and Social Alternative (MARS)
  614. Movement understand and engage
  615. Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP)
  616. Movement for Active Citizenship
  617. Le Cri 31 movement
  618. Movement for Solidarity Development
  619. Equality Movement (MEP)
  620. French Movement for Family Planning
  621. Concrete Utopia Movement (MUC)
  622. Movement of Young Communists of France (MJCF)
  623. Young Socialist Movement (MJS)
  624. National Movement for the Unemployed and Precarious (MNCP)
  625. Peace movement
  626. European progressive movement
  627. Combative Social Movement (MSC)
  628. No Vox
  629. Nosotros Incontrolados
  630. New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA)
  631. New Socialist Party for a Socialist Alternative in Vaucluse – NPS AS 84
  632. NPS Herouville
  633. NSAE
  634. Municipal Office for Migrants
  635. O’FOG-Fraternity
  636. NGO Action for Integrated Development and Training
  637. Pink panthers
  638. Partenaria 2000
  639. Algeria Lamballe Partnership (Côtes d’Armor)
  640. Humanist Party
  641. Socialist Party (PS)
  642. Pastoral Care of Migrants, diocese of Marseille
  643. Pateras de La Vida for Development and Culture in northern Morocco
  644. PCF (French Communist Party)
  645. PCOF (Communist Workers’ Party of France)
  646. PCOT
  647. Left Party (PG)
  648. Permanence Srebrenica
  649. People and Culture
  650. Solidarity Peoples Saumur
  651. Platform of Franco-Haitian Associations ( PAFHA )
  652. Migrants and European Citizenship Platform
  653. Pluri-Elles Algeria
  654. Communist Renaissance Pole in France ( PRCF )
  655. For a Left Alternative in the Rhône ( PAG69 )
  656. To Stay
  657. Production “C’est Pas Des Manières”
  658. Puteaux Alternative!
  659. RACORT (Gathering of citizens’ associations of Turkey)
  660. RAIDH (Alert and Intervention Network for Human Rights)
  661. RAJFIRE
  662. Ras the front
  663. Refugees Touraine Solidarity
  664. Group of Senegalese Workers in France (RETSEF)
  665. Foreign Relay (Rennes)
  666. Relais Housing
  667. African Meeting for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO)
  668. Renovate Now 21
  669. Renovate Now 75
  670. Renovate Now 86
  671. Renovate Now 87
  672. Renovate Now Moselle
  673. Chest network
  674. Network of Documentation and Information Centers for Development and International Solidarity ( RITIMO )
  675. Christian Immigrant Network (RCI)
  676. Citizen networks of St-Etienne
  677. Network for the integration of foreigners and their families (RIEF) of South Corsica
  678. Education Without Borders Network (RESF)
  679. Feminist Network “Ruptures”
  680. 7th Art Resistance
  681. Ré-SO (reformists and solidarity)
  682. Resovigi Lyon
  683. Union reunification
  684. Rouge Vif – Roubaix, Lille and surroundings
  685. Salam
  686. Health is not a commodity
  687. Sarkotusors
  688. SCALP18 (Section Carrément Anti Le Pen du Cher)
  689. Section of the inter-municipal CH Toulon La Seyne
  690. Socialist section of Colombes
  691. CGT union section of the Association for Prevention, Care and Integration
  692. Sèvres Tomorrow
  693. AIDS-Lyrics
  694. SMG (Syndicate of General Medicine)
  695. SMICT CGT Pitié Salpétrière
  696. SNABF Solidarity
  697. SNAC-FSU
  698. SNASUB FSU Amiens
  699. SNETAP-FSU 53
  700. Sgen-CFDT from Paris
  701. SNTRS-CGT
  702. SNU TEF-FSU
  703. SNUipp-FSU – Oise section
  704. Franciscan Sisters of Nantes
  705. Solidarity Afriques in France (SAF)
  706. Solidarity Training Mediation (SFM)
  707. Solidarity Migrants
  708. New Solidarity for Housing (SNL) Brétigny Le Plessis Pâté
  709. SOS Hepatitis Federation
  710. SOS Algeria
  711. SOS Femmes Chateaubriant
  712. SOS women Nantes
  713. SOS Racism
  714. SOS Independent Racism Federation of Bouches-du-Rhône
  715. Stop Racism Haute-Garonne
  716. Souris Verte – The Young Greens of Belley-Chambéry
  717. Green Mouse – Young Greens Rennes
  718. Stop Racism Independent National Federation
  719. SOUTH ANPE Center region
  720. SUD Goodyear Chemistry
  721. SOUTH Education
  722. SOUTH Energy
  723. SOUTH Bordeaux student
  724. SOUTH PTT Corsica
  725. On the Pont des Echanges, the world is changing
  726. Survival
  727. French Lawyers Union (SAF)
  728. CFDT Health / Social Union of Haute-Saône
  729. Departmental Union of National Education CGT 45
  730. CGT union of OPAC SUD
  731. CGT union of non-teaching staff National education CGT des Vosges departmental union
  732. CGT Syndicate of Central Services of Gaz de France
  733. CGT and UGICT-CGT unions of local civil servants in Bagneux (92)
  734. Departmental Syndicate CGT PTT of Seine Maritime
  735. FERC-Sup CGT union of the University of Toulouse le Mirail
  736. Magistracy Union (SM)
  737. Syndicate of medical inspectors of public health (SMISP)
  738. National Democratic Treasury (SDT)
  739. National Union of Health and Social Action Inspectors ( SNIASS )
  740. National union CGT Insee
  741. National Union of CGT Journalists (SNJ-CGT)
  742. National Union of Maternal and Child Protection Doctors
  743. SOUTH Photography Union
  744. SOUTH Union Social Protection Lower Normandy
  745. SUD Rail Union
  746. SUD Health and Social Union 67
  747. SOUTH URBAN Union of Nantes
  748. Union of Education Workers 93, STE 93 – CNT
  749. UGICT-CGT UNION of the Paris CPAM
  750. UMT (Moroccan Union of Labor) unions of French educational establishments and French institutes in Morocco
  751. Taboul Tower
  752. TaPaGes (TransPédéGouines de Strasbourg)
  753. Witnesses
  754. Terre des Hommes France – Lisieux
  755. The Kikoo web radio
  757. Tjenbé Rèd! Civic movement for action & reflection on black, mixed race & LGBT (lesbians, gays, bi & trans) issues in overseas & hexagonal France
  758. Tolos’Arts
  759. Don’t touch my Secu Pays de Lorient
  760. All for Gypsies
  761. All solidarity Chateaubriant
  762. European Turkey
  763. UD CGT Isère
  764. UD CGT of Paris
  765. UDA 65 (Emergency asylum seekers in the Hautes-Pyrénées)
  766. UDAS (Union of Trade Union Alternatives)
  767. UDASTI Dordogne
  768. ULCGT Sevran
  769. UNATOS-FSU 46
  770. Another Jewish voice
  771. Union of Friends and Companions of Emmaus (UACE)
  772. Union of Anarchists
  773. Union of Associations for Diversity and Equality (UNADE)
  774. Union of Latin American Associations in France (ALUNIDA)
  775. Christian Union of Young People of the Loire (UCJG Loire)
  776. Breton Democratic Union (UDB)
  777. Departmental Union of Solidarity Associations with Immigrant Workers – UDASTI 24
  778. Departmental Union CFDT Yonne
  779. Departmental union CLCV Gironde
  780. Union for the Dignity of Citizens
  781. Union of Algerian Students in France (UEAF)
  782. Union of Communist Students (UEC)
  783. Union of Foreign Students of Strasbourg ( UDEES )
  784. SUD Federal Union Social protection
  785. Union of Women of Martinique
  786. French Union of Holiday Centers (UFCV)
  787. General Union of Students of Grenoble – Student Union Federation (UGEG-FSE)
  788. Union of Young Alevis of France (UJAF)
  789. Union of Young Vietnamese of France
  790. French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP)
  791. CGT local union of Carpentras
  792. CGT local union of Sevran Villepinte Tremblay Vaujours
  793. Local union CGT de la Souterraine (23)
  794. Moselle high school student union
  795. Union for the maboulissimo party (UMP)
  796. National Union of Students of France (UNEF)
  797. National High School Union (UNL)
  798. National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSA)
  799. Regional Union CFDT Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  800. Regional Union CGT FAPT (PTT) of Upper Normandy
  801. Union of Communist Revolutionaries of France / Party Building (URCF)
  802. Union Syndicale CGT des Services Publics Parisiens
  803. Lyon Student Union – Student Union Federation (USEL-FSE)
  804. Union of Psychiatry
  805. Union Syndicale Solidaires
  806. Union of Tunisians for Citizen Action (UTAC)
  807. UNITE
  808. Unit against racial discrimination
  809. International anti-fascist unit
  810. Popular University of Lyon
  811. Universality of foreign students in France (UEEF)
  812. UTIT PdIDF
  813. Vamos!
  814. Veirem Ven Social Club
  815. Democratic way lille
  816. Citizen wills – 1995
  817. XRAY Concept
  818. 3rd Paris Undocumented Collective
  819. 4 ASS
  820. 6th at All
  821. 9th Collective of undocumented migrants

Call For Your Financial Contribution

The scale and duration of the fight to be waged against disposable immigration requires resources. The activist participation of all is obviously vital. The financial participation is also.

Friends of equality

The success and effectiveness of our fight against the government’s plan require our mobilization. This mobilization requires a minimum of means, that is to say money.

The 300 organizations (collectives of citizens and undocumented migrants, associations, unions, political groups) which have joined together in the UCIJ (United against disposable immigration) have put their hands in their pockets.

But their contribution is not sufficient.

To defeat the government plan, which the National Assembly should debate in the first half of May, we must explain the issues and mobilize throughout France.

This work of disseminating information requires the production of hundreds of thousands of documents, leaflets and posters. It requires the rental of equipment for events. He multiplies the trips to animate the many meetings that are organized everywhere.

Several actions have already been organized by our collective: an information day at the Paris Labor Exchange which brought together 1,200 people, the petition being signed and a coordination of initiatives throughout the country. In addition, we have drawn up a complete and serious analysis of this preliminary draft which you can find on our website (“www.contreimmigrationjetable.org”).

On April 2 in Paris between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., Place de la République in Paris, the organization of the gathering-concert in preparation costs money (around € 15,000), even if the artists who will participate will ‘engage for free. There are the technical means which are not free.

The prospect of a national demonstration is gaining ground: it will necessarily be necessary to demonstrate to the government that its utilitarian ideas – the same which inspire it with the proliferation of precarious employment contracts – are unacceptable.

It will thus be necessary to fight for several months, throughout the discussion of the bill in the National Assembly and in the Senate, then – no doubt – so that the Constitutional Council examines the future law with the particular rigor expected from him.

A lot of work, vigilance, mobilization, gatherings, explanations awaits us.

This is the reason why the 300 organizations of the UCIJ are asking for your financial support.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.