Stages of the Law

Latest Addition: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bill Adopted at First Reading by the National Assembly
Wednesday 19 September 2007
Opinion of the Foreign Affairs Committee (National Assembly)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Bill in the version presented to the Council of Ministers on July 4, 2007
Wednesday 4 July 2007
Bill in its NOR version: MIX / 07/56368 / L
Sunday 24 June 2007
Fillon / Hortefeux bill forwarded to the Council of State
Thursday 21 June 2007
Bill amending the code of entry and stay of foreigners and the right to asylum (CESEDA) of the Fillon government, submitted for examination to the Council of State by the Minister of Immigration, Mr. Hortefeux

Sarkozy Law of July 24, 2006

Law n ° 2006-911 of July 24, 2006 Relating to Immigration and Integration is Published in the Official Journal
Referral and Decision of the Constitutional Council
Bill “Relating to Immigration and Integration” Adopted by the Senate (final text)
Bill Adopted by the National Assembly
Bill Drafted by the Joint Committee, Sent to the NA and the Senate
Work of the Joint Committee
Bill Adopted by the Senate, Sent to the Joint Committee
Summary of the Work of the Senate
Bill Adopted by the National Assembly, Sent to the Senate
Discussion of the Bill in the National Assembly
Objection of Inadmissibility, Presented by Bernard Roman (PS)
National Assembly, May 2, 2006
Presentation to the National Assembly by Nicolas Sarkozy of the Draft Law on Immigration
Speech of May 2, 2006
Report Known as “Mariani” on European Immigration Policy
April 12, 2006
Communiqué of the Council of Ministers of March 29, 2006
“Bill Relating to Immigration and Integration” of March 29, 2006
Explanatory Memorandum of the Draft Law on Immigration and Integration
“Draft law relating to immigration and integration” of February 9, 2006
Speech by Dominique de Villepin before the Interministerial Committee for Immigration Control (CICI)
Prime Minister, February 9, 2006
“Draft law relating to immigration and integration” of January 30, 2006
Government Discussion Paper dated December 18, 2005
Speech by Dominique de Villepin, Prime Minister, before the Interministerial Committee for Immigration Control, November 29, 2005
Note on the “preparation of the preliminary draft law on immigration”