If your organization is not listed even though you indicated its support several days ago, please send us an email , indicating the name of the organization, the function you perform there as well as your contact details … by clicking here
- ACAT France (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture and Capital Executions)
- AAPAC (Association of Afro-Caribbean visual artists)
- ACCES (ACtions for Citizenship and Health Education)
- Home-Charonne
- Home Asylum Seekers ADA Grenoble
- ACDR (Arts and Culture of Deux Rives)
- ACER (Association for European Citizenship of Residence)
- ACORT (Citizens’ Assembly of Turkish origin)
- Lyonnaise Action for Integration through Housing (ALPIL)
- ACT’UP-Paris
- ADDE (Association for the Law of Foreigners)
- ADFE West Japan
- ADN (Association for Democracy in Nice)
- AEOM (Association of students of Malagasy origin)
- AFASPA (French Association of Friendship and Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa)
- AFBM (Franco-Berber Association Montpellier)
- Afghanistan Free
- A-Freak-A , Fair Trade Clothing from Africa
- Africa Partners Services
- AFVS (Association of families victims of lead poisoning)
- Act for the environment and sustainable development (AE2D)
- Act together against unemployment ( AC! )
- AEDH Acting Together for Human Rights
- Africultures
- Act here
- Act and defend Saint Fons
- Agora training
- Agro without borders
- AHGE (Gennevilloise Humanitarian Education Association)
- AIRES 10 Associative Social Center
- ALDA (Regional Association for the Fight against Discrimination and for Equal Opportunities) Alsace
- HELP Federation
- Guyanese wings
- Aix Solidarity
- ALIF without papers
- Black Citizen Alliance
- Alliances Without Borders
- Vegetarian Alliance
- The alternatives
- Citizen Alternative
- Alternative Color Citizen (Tours)
- Alternative Citizen / The Left Otherwise Lower Normandy
- Left alternative
- Libertarian Alternative
- Alternative in Midi-Pyrénées
- Americans Against the War-AAW-France
- Association of African Caribbean Students and Sympathizers of the University of Paris I (AMECAS Paris I)
- Friends of the Bus des Femmes
- Friends of the Paris Commune – 1871
- Friends of the Foundation for the Memory of the Deportation of Isère (AFMD)
- Friends of Karl Marx
- Friends of families and victims of illegal migration (AFVMC) Cameroon
- ANAFÉ (National Association of Border Assistance for Foreigners)
- French branch of the Faith & Justice Africa-Europe Network
- APAP (CHRS Amiens)
- APSEC (Reception, Prevention, Support for Cambodian and Chinese Children)
- APSR (Association for the reception of doctors and health workers who have taken refuge in France)
- Arch’Asia
- ARChe – International Republicans Forum
- Artists Without Borders
- ARRA (Action Retour Réussite Afrique)
- ARSER (Association of Senegalese of Rennes)
- ASIAD (Association of Solidarity and Information for Access to Rights)
- Asociacion de Chilenos en Espana
- Association A ta Turkey
- ACAJOU Association
- Association for welcoming asylum seekers “pied a terre” in Poitiers-86
- Home-Integration-Meeting Association
- Association for the Reception of Travelers (ASAV)
- Act-Agir Association
- Citizen Action Association
- Activa’Jeunes Association
- Actis Association
- Solidarity News Association
- AERO Association
- Association act against discrimination at school
- Personalized Help and Assistance Association
- Association for the Development of Student Projects in Management of the “AEPEMDA” Associations of Bourg-en-Bresse
- Association of aid and union for the wounded of existence ( AUBE )
- Guyanese wings association
- Alter and Equals Association
- Association “Friends of Gabriel Maire”
- Association “Les Amis du Ferret”
- AMPIL Association
- Association of Former Employees of ISM Traduction (AS-ISM)
- Association “For a left alternative in the Rhône” ( PAG69 )
- Aremedia Association
- Sensitive Art Association
- Association Autremonde
- Association Aza-id Productions
- Babel Association
- Baobab Association
- Benkadi Afema Association
- Biterroise Association Against Racism (ABCR) (Beziers)
- Association biterroise France Algeria
- Blue Méridien Association
- Association “To Everyone Ségou”
- Al cantara Association
- Carybs Association
- CACIS Association
- CERISE Association (Mutual Aid Community and Information and Support Network for International Students in France)
- Motives Citizens Association of Moirans (Isère)
- Citrus Association
- Association Chambéry Ouahigouya
- Association of Charity and Family Affairs (AC3AF)
- Association La Clède
- Colibri Association
- Association of the Colombian Colony in France (ASSOCOL)
- Youth community association (CHRS)
- Association for Cooperation and Mutual Assistance for African Development (ACEEDA)
- Berber Culture Association of Val d’Oise (ACBVO)
- Cultural Association of Turkish Alevis in Strasbourg (ACATS)
- Association of Malian Graduates and Students of France (ADEM-France)
- Discovery Association
- Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Morocco ( ASDHOM )
- Tomorrow the Earth Association
- Association Democracy Ecology Solidarity ( ADES )
- Democratic Association of French People Abroad French People in the World ( ADFE-FdM )
- Association Development and Citizen Action (ADAC)
- Strategy development association
- Togolese Diaspora Association in France (DTF)
- Differences association – Pyrénées-Atlantiques
- Association of Doctor Eugène Jamot
- Dadaprod association
- Association dom’asile
- Association Drugi Most, another bridge to the Balkans
- Saint-Etienne Exchange and Promotion Association
- Association L’Echo Râleur
- Eclats de Voix Association
- Association “the schoolchildren of Gojam”
- Association Editions Cultures Croisés
- L’encrier association
- Association In Games Lille
- Children of the World Association – Human Rights
- Association for the Education and Training of Immigrant Workers of Paris
- Association Epinay-sur-Seine – Yesterday and Today
- Associatin ESSOR93
- Association of Taiwanese Students in France ( AETF )
- Association “Women of rights, women’s rights”
- Association of Iranian Women in France
- Women of Words Association
- Festival Plein Sud Association
- French Association of Democratic Jurists
- Association France Algeria / Brest
- France-Cuba Loiret Association
- Association-Franco Africaine d’Actions Solidaires et d’Entraide (AFAASE)
- Gessian Association against Racism and Fascism (AGRAF)
- Association of the inhabitants of HLM de Souillac
- Association Habitat Alternatif Social Marseille
- Hui Ji Association
- Association of Ideas
- Association Inititiaves nutrition développement édi = ucation santé (INDES)
- Association for Integration and Citizenship (AIC)
- Association Intercapa Solidarity Foreign Students
- international association raout system
- Association of Jurists for the Recognition of the Fundamental Rights of Foreigners
- Joj Mamo Association
- Association “JurisCité”
- Association Justice Action Libertés
- Association “Justice, Islam, Dignity” (JID)
- Karera Association
- Kavkaz association
- Kialucera Association
- Khatam Association
- Association kolors (capoeira)
- Lance-Pierre Production Association
- Lesbian & Gay Pride Association Center region ( LGP Center region )
- Local Association of Algerian Women in Nantes (ALFA)
- High school and student association (ALE)
- Association “the house next door”
- Oberlin House Association
- Association of Moroccans of France / Paris
- Moroccan Association for Human Rights
- Moroccan Association of the Democratic Way
- Memorial Association 98
- Mille Bâbords Association
- Minorygays Association
- Miranda Association for the Defense of Foreigners’ Rights (Bourges)
- Association the World of Cultures
- Montpellier Association for a Humanist and Secular Judaism – AMJHL
- Mosaique Association (anti-racist committee of Choisy le Roi and Orly)
- National Association Les Garibaldiens
- National Association all together for Gypsies
- Association Nijal “L’Envol”
- North of the Seine Association
- Association of the New Immigrant Generation (ANGI)
- Association “We are all responsible”
- Shadow enlight association
- OSIRIS Association
- Piotr-Tchaadaev Association
- Plants and Nomads Association
- People’s Mutual Aid Association
- Primo Levi Association
- Association “On the Bridge of Exchanges, the world is changing”
- Association for Helping Mothers and Children in Difficulty (APAMED)
- Association for a united and sustainable development of the country of Save and Louge (ADPSL)
- Pueblo Association
- Association for the Recognition of the Rights and Freedoms of Muslim Women (ARDLFM)
- Association for the Recognition of the Rights of Homosexual and Transsexual Persons to Immigration and Residence (ARDHIS)
- Association “Look at sight”
- Residence de l’Ecluse Association
- Association of Nationals of Diogountouro (ARD)
- Revivre Association
- Black Dress Association
- RomSorinières Association
- SALAM Association
- Samba-Lezart Association
- Loire-Atlantique Migrant Health Association (ASAMLA)
- Green Sauce Association
- Youth Protection Association ( ASJ )
- Natural Flavors Association
- Sierra Maestra Association
- Sirius YMS Association
- Association Sol En Si (Solidarity Children AIDS)
- SOLIDA Association
- Citizen Solidarity Association Here and in Algeria (ASCIA)
- Solidarity and Development Association
- Association of Solidarity with Algerian Democratic Women (ASFAD)
- Association Solidarite Franco-Chilienne
- Solidarity Association Jean Merlin
- Youth Solidarity Association
- Migrant solidarity association (Beauvais)
- Association of Solidarity with Migrant Workers (ASTM) Montpellier
- Association of Solidarity with Turkish Workers (ASTTu)
- Association Terre d’Esperance
- Association Thélémythe
- Trait d’Inion Association – France Maghreb
- Association “work and culture” of the Roussillon agglomeration
- Association of Anarchist Immigrant Workers
- Association of Maghrebian Workers of France of Meurthe-et-Moselle
- Moselle Turkish Workers’ Association (ATTM)
- Association of Tunisians of the North of France (ATNF)
- Turbulences Association
- Valabas Association
- Association VETO!
- Association Vivre Ensemble in Couëron, on the left with the Greens (VEC)
- Association “There’s the suburbs in the air”
- Assouevam 94
- ATF (Association of Tunisians of France)
- ATMF (Association of Magrebhins Workers in France)
- Attac-France
- Auxilia
- Cultural Notice
- Ban Asbestos France
- Le Bar Floréal.photography
- Boudiou movement
- Move your youth
- Cabiria (Community health action with prostitutes)
- Cactus / The Left!
- CADAC (Coordination of associations for the right to abortion and contraception)
- CANVA (Coordination of Non-Violent Action of the Arch of Lanza del Vasto)
- Heading Left 19
- CAPJPO-EuroPalestine
- CAPSDH-France
- Carvitore-togo
- CASI Brittany
- CCREG (Consultative Council of Foreign Residents of Grenoblois)
- CDATM Third World Documentation and Animation Center Marseille
- CEDETIM (Center for Studies and Initiatives of International Solidarity)
- CEDIPA (Circle of Initiatives for Africa)
- CEFIR Meeting
- Reception Center for Asylum Seekers
- Help center through work
- Social Center Home Goutte d’Or
- Kurdish cultural center
- Center of cultures of Paris / Ile-de-France
- Center of cultures – Toulouse
- Third World Documentation and Animation Center, member of Ritimo (CDATM-RITIMO)
- Euro med center for migration and development
- Information Center on Women’s and Family Rights (CIDF) Orne
- Inter-people information center (Grenoble)
- Center for Citizens’ Initiative and Access to the Right (s) of Members of Parliament ( CICADE )
- Lesbian & Gay Center Nantes Atlantique ( CLGNA )
- Moroccan Center for Human Rights
- Research and Information Center for Development (CRID)
- Rennes Information Center on Development and Solidarity between Peoples (CRIDEV)
- AIRES 10 Associative Social Center
- Communist and Librarian Revolutionary Circle (CRCL) IEP of Paris
- Circles of Tunisians of the Two Rives in Marseille (CTDR)
- CFDA of Hautes-Pyrénées
- CFDT of the Belvédère Hospital Center
- CFDT CPAM of Paris
- CFDT S3C Poitou-Charentes
- CFPE (French Center for Child Protection)
- CGT (General Confederation of Labor)
- CGT CELM Mediterranean
- CGT of the Social and Educational Committee
- CGT of the communes of Villeneuve d’Ascq
- CGT CPAM of Paris
- CGT Culture
- CGT-E General Collective of Energy Workers Dalkia France
- CGT Fraisnor
- National CGT for CNFPT staff (National Center for Territorial Public Service)
- CGT – Prefecture 93
- CGT PTT of Financial Services of Lyon
- Human chain against hatred
- CHIC! Young Ecolos Alternative Solidarity
- CIMADE (ecumenical service of mutual aid)
- Citizens of the Two Shores
- Citizens Together, Saint-Denis Guidimaka
- CLAC (High School Committee of the Chambéry Agglomeration)
- Social Republic Club
- UNESCO Clubs Rhone Alpes
- CLAPEST, Liaison committee of associations for the promotion of immigrants in Alsace
- CNAFAL (National Council of Secular Family Associations)
- CNDF (National Collective for Women’s Rights)
- CNT-Jura
- CNT-Rhône
- COéCie Theater
- Colcrea (Association of Colombian Students and Creators in France)
- February 25 collective
- Collective 43 for the defense of undocumented migrants
- Collective 24 of solidarity with undocumented migrants
- Collectif 69 undocumented support and asylum seekers
- Collective of Accident at Work, Disabled and Retired for Equal Rights (CATRED)
- collective After Sangatte
- Corsican Antiracist Collective
- Bellaciao collective
- Collective “cacendr” (against the burial of radioactive waste) of Nancy
- Calais collective C’SUR (emergency support collective for refugees)
- Communist collective Prometheus
- Collective Compagnie Jolie Môme
- Collective of the Damned of the Earth
- Collective for the defense of undocumented migrants (Millau 12)
- Desert rebel collective
- Asylum Right Collective-Douarnenez
- French Foreign Collective for Equal Rights (CEFED)
- French foreign collective in Yvelines (CEFY)
- Collective of Feminists for Equality
- Collective of Women in Black of Paris
- Collectif Fle Fls (French as a foreign language, French as a second language)
- French Collective of Incest Victims
- Support collective for Exiles from the 10th arrondissement of Paris
- Haiti Collective of France
- Cannabis Research and Information Collective ( IARC ) Paris Ile-de-France
- Libertarian collective of Bourges
- Collective Words are important
- Midi-Pyrénées collective for women’s rights
- Montreuil collective for the rights of the undocumented
- ROMEUROPE National Human Rights Collective
- Collective adorned “united against disposable immigration”
- Paris 19 collective for an alternative to liberalism
- PROMODEF collective
- Collective for Reflection, Initiatives and Anti-Racist Actions (CRIAAR) of Velaux (13)
- Collective “Ruslan Martchev” Douarnenez 29
- Undocumented collective of Amiens
- Collective of undocumented migrants from Limoges
- Collective of undocumented Kabyles of France (CSPK-France)
- Sarthois collective against disposable immigration
- Solidarity Collective – Migrants from Noyonnais
- Migrant Solidarity Collective – Beauvais
- Collective in support of undocumented migrants in Val-d’Oise
- Collective All roads lead to Roma Saint-Etienne
- Unitary Anti Liberal Collective (CUAL) of Montpellier
- Unitary collective for a class trade union front
- Voironnais Collective For Another Europe
- COMEDE (Medical Committee for Exiles)
- Housing Actions Committee
- Inter-association action committee “Women’s rights, right of residence – against double violence”
- Coordination committee of Franco-Turkish associations in the Lyon region
- Cultural Committee for Democracy in Benin (CCDB)
- Villejuif Undocumented Defense Committee
- TEMBEC TARTAS Works Council
- Marseille European Committee
- Executive Committee of the Local Union of CGT Trade Unions of Carpentras
- Wrestling Committee of the Self-managed Popular University of Paloise
- Mobilization Committee of the University of Bordeaux 1
- Mobilization Committee of the University of Bordeaux 2 Victor Segalen
- Homeless Committee
- Collective of Muslims of France (CMF)
- Committee “Nathalie Menigon”
- Standing Committee of Abolitionist Associations
- Committee of Solidarity with the Struggles of the Argentine People (CALPA)
- Support collective for asylum seekers and undocumented migrants from Tours (37)
- Support committee for Roma families in Val-de-Marne
- Support collective for Said Aguili’s return to France
- Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Roma Support Committee
- Sara Camara Support Committee
- Saint-Denis Gypsy Support Committee
- Ivry Committee for Vigilance Against Racism and for Aid to Undocumented Migrants
- Human Rights Observer Committee (CODHO)
- Permanent Liaison Committee of Abolitionist Associations (CPL)
- Bel air / Grand Font neighborhood committee
- Social Resistance Committee
- Chechnya Paris Committee
- Chechnya Committee Strasbourg
- Chechnya Committee 21
- Bourges Vigilance Committee
- Mobile art company
- Migrating Media & Productions Company
- Company Save the Night
- Theater Company One Word … One Voice
- Audio visual companions
- National Confederation of Labor of Aude
- Peasant Confederation
- National Malian Youth Council of France
- Regional Council of UNESCO Clubs (CRCU) of Bourgogne Franche Comté
- regional council of moroccans of france region piacardie (CRMF)
- CRAN Representative Council of Black Associations
- Counter-conference
- Convention for the 6th Republic (C6R)
- Coordination 93 for the fight against undocumented migrants
- Coordination of the Non-Violent Action of the Ark of Lanza del Vasto (CANVA)
- Coordination of IDF AMFs
- Coordination of Associations, NGOs and Women’s Groups of Malians in France (CAFO Mali France)
- Coordination of Women’s Groups Equality
- Coordination of intermittent and precarious workers in Ile-de-France ( CIP-IDF )
- French coordination for the right of immigrants to live with their families
- Franco Berber coordination of the longwy basin
- Lesbian coordination in France
- Maurienne Coordination for Asylum Law
- Rhône-Alpes coordination of support for undocumented migrants
- COPAF (Collective for the Future of Households)
- Current international socialism or barbarism
- CNT Social Health 69
- Believers in freedom-Saint Etienne
- CSF (Trade Union Confederation of Families)
- Cultures and dialogue
- Culture and Freedom
- DAL (Right to Housing)
- In the City
- The Sentimental Flesh
- Socialist approach
- Local Democracy and Citizenship ( DECIL ) Mantes-la-Jolie
- Democrats of France
- Democracy & Socialism (75)
- Two shores
- Diagonale IDF- Association for the fight against AIDS
- Belair dictionaries
- DILTI interministerial delegation to fight against illegal work
- Divers’City
- Djelia K
- Rights Ahead !!
- Europe-Maghreb Law and Immigration (DIEM)
- Rights and freedoms in the Churches
- Rights for All
- Girl Scouts Eclaireurs De France Lorient
- Listening Concertation fight Help and Solution (ECLAS)
- Nomadic Screen
- Cultures Croisés editions
- Popular education & Social transformation
- Tie Toulouse Mirail
- Elena (Association of lawyers linked to the European Council for Refugees and Exiles)
- Emancipation inter-union trend
- Emmaus France
- FORWARD! Productions (cultural association)
- Uppercase childhood
- Children of the world – human rights
- Teachers For Peace
- Living and Working Together
- Space (reception for foreigners)
- Che Guevara Space
- Hopes for young people
- Hope Without Borders
- Europe Ecology Paca
- Solidarity Europe Without Borders ( ESSF )
- Extreme junction
- Grenoble Green College
- AEFTI Federation
- Anarchist Federation
- Federation of Craftsmen of the World
- Federation of Franco-African Development Associations (FAFRAD)
- Federation of Lay Associations of Roubaix
- Federation of Associations of Solidarity with Immigrant Workers (FASTI)
- Federation of social centers of the Rhône
- Federation of Social Centers of Vienne
- Moselle Culture and Freedom Federation
- General Federation of Transport and Equipment (FGTE-CFDT)
- Federation of African Women’s Initiatives from France and Europe (IFAFE Federation)
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
- National Federation of Franco-African Associations (FNAFA)
- CGT national federation of staff from research, advice and prevention companies
- National Federation of Solidarity Women ( FNSF )
- National Federation Stop Independent Racism
- Solidarity Peoples Federation (member of CRID)
- Sud Etudiant Federation
- Student Union Federation
- Unitary Trade Union Federation (FSU)
- Federation of Tunisians for Citizenship of the Two Shores (FTCR)
- Women rights and development in Africa
- Women in Black – Isère
- Women in Black from Paris
- Women Relais du Paris 20th
- Women in Solidarity
- Solidarity Women of Seine-Saint-Denis
- Women of the Earth
- FIDL 44
- FIDL Upper Normandy
- Flexilanguages
- FNARS (National Federation of Reception and Social Reintegration Associations)
- Copernicus Foundation
- Militant forces
- Rhône-Alpes Citizen Forum
- Gay and lesbian forum of Lyon
- Socialist Forum
- Forum for another world
- La Force Rural Secular Home
- France Latin America , Bordeaux Gironde Committee
- France Latin America, Charente-Maritime Committee
- France Liberties-Danielle Mitterrand Foundation
- France Terre d’Asile (FTDA)
- France-Solidarity
- Fraternity Without Borders
- Neighborhood Humanist Action Front
- United Front for Anti-Colonialist Struggle (FULAC)
- Fumigene magazine
- Republican Left
- GCCST (Christian Group Against AIDS in Togo)
- Gisti (Information and support group for immigrants)
- Fat on the left
- GRDR – the Research and Implementation Group for Rural Development
- Nancy anarchist group Marée Noire
- Saint-Etienne Anticyclone Group
- Living environment group
- CRI Group (Internationalist Revolutionary Communist)
- Louis Lecoin Non-Violent Group (Dunkirk)
- group “Otaké”
- SOS Group
- Alternative Social Housing
- Housing Health Development
- Hacktivisms
- Hagua-Caribbean
- Homosexualities and Socialism (HES)
- IDD (Immigration Development Democracy)
- Images from elsewhere
- Communist initiative (newspaper)
- Natives of the Republic
- Citizen Initiatives and Actions for Democracy and Development
- Innovation and Development
- Interassociative lesbian, gay, bi and trans ( Inter-LGBT )
- Interhousing 93
- Gaullist International
- Italian Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
- ISR Info
- Youth for the Communist Renaissance in France ( JRCF )
- Young CGT 67 (Bas-Rhin)
- Young Communists of Doubs
- Young Left Radicals ( JRG )
- Young Socialists for the Left Rally ( JSRAG )
- Revolutionary Communist Youth (JCR)
- Kitana
- Language culture and communication
- Latinoamerica Unida
- LDH (League of Human Rights)
- Limousin Palestine (AFPS)
- The General
- Lyon Lesbian and Gay Pride
- La Llave
- The House of Algeria
- The Maison des Femmes de Montreuil
- The pot
- La Méridienne (association for the respect of the meridian time) – # La Scène du Balcon
- La Souris Verte Alsace – The Young Greens
- La Vie Nouvelle – For a personalist and Citizen alternative
- The artichoke choir
- The Duty of Memories
- The Manifesto (journal)
- The rock mill
- The CRI Movement
- Le Mouvement du Nid – Delegation of Montpellier
- The Nid Des Vosges Movement
- Le pied à terre – Asile Solidarité Logement
- Le Rouet A Coeur Open – Marseille
- Friends of Goma in France
- The Young Greens – The Green Mouse
- Moroccans as a family
- Peripherals speak to you
- The Socialists of Haute-Loire who said No
- The National Table
- The Greens
- Lamastrock
- Franco-African liaison
- Free thought Aveyron
- Cojepian Popular Education League ( LICEP )
- League of Advisors of France (LCF)
- Workers’ struggle
- Limoges Human Rights House
- Montreuil Women’s House
- Handicap House
- European markets / Euromarches
- Max friends
- Doctors from Africa / Europe
- Doctors of the World
- Memory Of The Future
- My dinosaurs
- Health migrations
- Christian Mission of Social Promotion
- Mistouta
- Mr J.C. Evreux
- Hot air balloon
- Morlaix Liberties
- Motivated 76
- Motivated for Colombes
- Movement for a Nonviolent Alternative ( MAN )
- Movement for a Republican and Social Alternative (MARS)
- Movement understand and engage
- Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP)
- Movement for Active Citizenship
- Le Cri 31 movement
- Movement for Solidarity Development
- Equality Movement (MEP)
- French Movement for Family Planning
- Concrete Utopia Movement (MUC)
- Movement of Young Communists of France (MJCF)
- Young Socialist Movement (MJS)
- National Movement for the Unemployed and Precarious (MNCP)
- Peace movement
- European progressive movement
- Combative Social Movement (MSC)
- No Vox
- Nosotros Incontrolados
- New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA)
- New Socialist Party for a Socialist Alternative in Vaucluse – NPS AS 84
- NPS Herouville
- Municipal Office for Migrants
- O’FOG-Fraternity
- NGO Action for Integrated Development and Training
- Pink panthers
- Partenaria 2000
- Algeria Lamballe Partnership (Côtes d’Armor)
- Humanist Party
- Socialist Party (PS)
- Pastoral Care of Migrants, diocese of Marseille
- Pateras de La Vida for Development and Culture in northern Morocco
- PCF (French Communist Party)
- PCOF (Communist Workers’ Party of France)
- Left Party (PG)
- Permanence Srebrenica
- People and Culture
- Solidarity Peoples Saumur
- Platform of Franco-Haitian Associations ( PAFHA )
- Migrants and European Citizenship Platform
- Pluri-Elles Algeria
- Communist Renaissance Pole in France ( PRCF )
- For a Left Alternative in the Rhône ( PAG69 )
- To Stay
- Production “C’est Pas Des Manières”
- Puteaux Alternative!
- RACORT (Gathering of citizens’ associations of Turkey)
- RAIDH (Alert and Intervention Network for Human Rights)
- Ras the front
- Refugees Touraine Solidarity
- Group of Senegalese Workers in France (RETSEF)
- Foreign Relay (Rennes)
- Relais Housing
- African Meeting for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO)
- Renovate Now 21
- Renovate Now 75
- Renovate Now 86
- Renovate Now 87
- Renovate Now Moselle
- Chest network
- Network of Documentation and Information Centers for Development and International Solidarity ( RITIMO )
- Christian Immigrant Network (RCI)
- Citizen networks of St-Etienne
- Network for the integration of foreigners and their families (RIEF) of South Corsica
- Education Without Borders Network (RESF)
- Feminist Network “Ruptures”
- 7th Art Resistance
- Ré-SO (reformists and solidarity)
- Resovigi Lyon
- Union reunification
- Rouge Vif – Roubaix, Lille and surroundings
- Salam
- Health is not a commodity
- Sarkotusors
- SCALP18 (Section Carrément Anti Le Pen du Cher)
- Section of the inter-communal CH Toulon La Seyne
- Socialist section of Colombes
- CGT union section of the Association for Prevention, Care and Integration
- Sèvres Tomorrow
- AIDS-Lyrics
- SMG (Syndicate of General Medicine)
- SMICT CGT Pitié Salpétrière
- SNABF Solidarity
- Sgen-CFDT from Paris
- SNUipp-FSU – Oise section
- Franciscan Sisters of Nantes
- Solidarity Afriques in France (SAF)
- Solidarity Training Mediation (SFM)
- Solidarity Migrants
- New Solidarity for Housing (SNL) Brétigny Le Plessis Pâté
- SOS Hepatitis Federation
- SOS Algeria
- SOS Femmes Chateaubriant
- SOS women Nantes
- SOS Racism
- SOS Independent Racism Federation of Bouches-du-Rhône
- Stop Racism Haute-Garonne
- Souris Verte – The Young Greens of Belley-Chambéry
- Green Mouse – Young Greens Rennes
- Stop Racism Independent National Federation
- SOUTH ANPE Center region
- SUD Goodyear Chemistry
- SOUTH Education
- SOUTH Energy
- SOUTH Bordeaux student
- SOUTH PTT Corsica
- On the Pont des Echanges, the world is changing
- Survival
- French Lawyers Union (SAF)
- CFDT Health / Social Union of Haute-Saône
- Departmental Union of National Education CGT 45
- CGT union of OPAC SUD
- CGT union of non-teaching staff National education CGT des Vosges departmental union
- CGT Syndicate of Central Services of Gaz de France
- CGT and UGICT-CGT unions of local civil servants in Bagneux (92)
- Departmental Syndicate CGT PTT of Seine Maritime
- FERC-Sup CGT union of the University of Toulouse le Mirail
- Magistracy Union (SM)
- Syndicate of medical inspectors of public health (SMISP)
- National Democratic Treasury (SDT)
- National Union of Health and Social Action Inspectors ( SNIASS )
- National union CGT Insee
- National Union of CGT Journalists (SNJ-CGT)
- National Union of Maternal and Child Protection Doctors
- SOUTH Photography Union
- SOUTH Union Social Protection Lower Normandy
- SUD Rail Union
- SUD Health and Social Union 67
- SOUTH URBAN Union of Nantes
- Union of Education Workers 93, STE 93 – CNT
- UMT unions (Moroccan Labor Union) of French Educational Institutions and French Institutes in Morocco
- Taboul Tower
- TaPaGes (TransPédéGouines de Strasbourg)
- Witnesses
- Terre des Hommes France – Lisieux
- The Kikoo web radio
- Tjenbé Rèd! Civic movement for action & reflection on black, mixed race & LGBT (lesbians, gays, bi & trans) issues in overseas & hexagonal France
- Tolos’Arts
- Don’t touch my Secu Pays de Lorient
- All for Gypsies
- All solidarity Chateaubriant
- European Turkey
- UD CGT Isère
- UD CGT of Paris
- UDA 65 (Emergency asylum seekers in the Hautes-Pyrénées)
- UDAS (Union of Trade Union Alternatives)
- UDASTI Dordogne
- ULCGT Sevran
- Another Jewish voice
- Union of Friends and Companions of Emmaus (UACE)
- Union of Anarchists
- Union of Associations for Diversity and Equality (UNADE)
- Union of Latin American Associations in France (ALUNIDA)
- Christian Union of Young People of the Loire (UCJG Loire)
- Breton Democratic Union (UDB)
- Departmental Union of Solidarity Associations with Immigrant Workers – UDASTI 24
- Departmental Union CFDT Yonne
- Departmental union CLCV Gironde
- Union for the Dignity of Citizens
- Union of Algerian Students in France (UEAF)
- Union of Communist Students (UEC)
- Union of Foreign Students of Strasbourg ( UDEES )
- SUD Federal Union Social protection
- Union of Women of Martinique
- French Union of Holiday Centers (UFCV)
- General Union of Students of Grenoble – Student Union Federation (UGEG-FSE)
- Union of Young Alevis of France (UJAF)
- Union of Young Vietnamese of France
- French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP)
- CGT local union of Carpentras
- CGT local union of Sevran Villepinte Tremblay Vaujours
- Local union CGT de la Souterraine (23)
- Moselle high school student union
- Union for the maboulissimo party (UMP)
- National Union of Students of France (UNEF)
- National High School Union (UNL)
- National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSA)
- Regional Union CFDT Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- Regional Union CGT FAPT (PTT) of Upper Normandy
- Union of Communist Revolutionaries of France / Party Building (URCF)
- Union Syndicale CGT des Services Publics Parisiens
- Lyon Student Union – Student Union Federation (USEL-FSE)
- Union of Psychiatry
- Union Syndicale Solidaires
- Union of Tunisians for Citizen Action (UTAC)
- Unit against racial discrimination
- International anti-fascist unit
- Popular University of Lyon
- Universality of foreign students in France (UEEF)
- Vamos!
- Veirem Ven Social Club
- Democratic way lille
- Citizen wills – 1995
- XRAY Concept
- 3rd Paris Undocumented Collective
- 4 ASS
- 6th at All
- 9th Collective of undocumented migrants