We are organizations participating in different forms in the struggles of immigrants and in concrete actions of support.
If the situation in France for migrants and refugees has hardened considerably in recent years, both the solidarity around students and parents of students with the Education Without Borders Network (RESF) and, since 2008, the strikes undocumented workers have helped change the way people look at them
We are entering a phase of electoral debates where we wish to make the voice of solidarity, hospitality and fraternity heard.
We are therefore responding to the call launched by the World Migration Forum in Quito in October 2010 and by the World Social Forum in Dakar in February 2011 by committing ourselves to making known in our press and on our mailing lists the call for this. that, in as many places as possible in France, initiatives are held around December 18 demanding a policy of real, fair and generous solidarity.
We also call for the ratification by France of the United Nations Convention “for the rights of immigrant workers and members of their families”.
We hope that our local structures, our members, meet and build together these initiatives, which will, beyond our differences, make this Global Migration Day a strong moment of debate.
ASSOCIATIONS: Acort, Act’up Paris, Alif, ASEFR, ATMF, Attac, Cimade, CSP 75, CSP 92, Droit-Devant, Femmes Egalité, Fasti, FTCR, Gisti, LDH, Mrap,
COLLECTIVE Roma : Besides we are from here, Des Ponts Pas des Murs, RESF, UCIJ
UNIONS: CGT, FSU, Solidaires, Sud Educ