Do You Have to Die to Have Papers?

Do you have to die to have papers?

Monday January 7 will be the 67th day of the hunger strike for undocumented migrants in Lille. Things are now dramatically simple: lives are at stake.

However, the government continues to play a show of strength against these women and men whose only crime is to demand to be treated with dignity. He plays the decay of the strike by refusing any opening at the risk of a tragedy which can happen at any time. This situation is outrageous and humiliating. It must stop.

The Socialist Party of François Hollande, Emmanuel Valls and Martine Aubry must act now for the immediate and unconditional regularization of undocumented migrants in Lille.

Gathering Monday January 7 and every following day until the regularization of undocumented migrants from Lille at 6:00 p.m. in front of the headquarters of:

“Socialist Party – 10 rue de Solferino”

Metro Solferino (Line 12)

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