” This document constitutes a first analysis of a text, which is not yet final. However, it does not seem likely to change in depth in the sense that the outlines of what will come out as a bill in good and due form are definitively drawn. The announced reform is not the nth reform of the status of foreigners, playing with the categories of foreigners who can automatically obtain a residence permit and based on the paradigm of border closures. Inspired in part by future European policy, the text officially consecrates a resumption of immigration and locks it into an entirely utilitarian approach. It thus seems to correspond to the new government slogan: to stop with the immigration undergone, and to promote a chosen immigration.
unprecedented attacks on fundamental rights and freedoms in the name of this “undergone immigration”;
the establishment of disposable labor immigration on behalf of “chosen immigration”.
It should be pointed out at the outset that the text analyzed is not complete. Other areas relating to immigration and asylum will be modified and complete this first version. It is thus a question of shortening the deadline for filing an appeal before the refugee appeals committee and of touching the device on deportations to the border.
Finally, the analysis itself does not cover the whole text. Emphasis was placed on the most salient, and at the same time often the most dangerous, points of this reform. In addition, certain provisions have already been the subject of an in-depth analysis in a collective framework – such as the observatory of the right to health of foreigners – which does not require new comments. “