Journee D’Action Contre la Loi Besson

ci-dessous la liste des organisations signataires de l’appel « non à la politique du pilori » et du dépliant commun

 AC! Act together against unemployment
 Alternative libertaire
 Lovers in the public ban
 Association of friends of the foundation for the memory of deportation
 Association of progressive representatives of Brittany (AEPB)
 French association of youth magistrates and de la famille (AFMMJF)
 Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)
 International Association of Democratic Jurists
 National Association of Communist and Republican Elected Officials (ANECR)
 Republican Association of Veterans
 ATD Fourth world
 ATTAC (Association for the taxation of financial transactions and for citizen action)
 Cap 21
 Cedetim – Ipam
 Collective Associations in danger
 Collective of citizen associations
 Collective on the day without immigrants
 Collectif Equality first
 Collectif Romeurope
 Confédération paysanne
 Culture and freedoms
 Solidarity law
 Straight ahead!
 Emmaus France
 Emmaus International
 Women in black
 General Federation of PEP
 Fondation Copernic
 France Latin America
 France liberties – Fondation Danielle Mitterrand
 France terre d’Asile
 Left front
 Left cactus
 Unitary left
 Inter -LGBT
 Young Greens
 The indivisibles
 Free thought
 League of education
 European marches against unemployment
 Doctors of the world
 Memorial of homosexual deportation
 Popular Evangelical Mission of France
 movement Movement of young communists of France (MJCF)
 Movement of young socialists (MJS)
 Movement of Objectors of Growth
 Organization of women equality
 Pari (s) of living together
 Left Party
 Family planning
 Republic and socialism
 Network of schools of citizens
 Save the university!
 International LGBT
 Solidarity Secular Solidarity
 Sos Racism
 South Education
 Magistrates Union
 Union of Secular Families (Ufal)
 Union Solidaires
 Unsa Education
 Greens / Europe ecology

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