Do Not Compromise With the Law of the Foreigner

This analysis by 50 Christian organizations refers to the version of the bill presented to the Council of Ministers on March 29, 2006 .

Two years after the last law on immigration, the government wants to reform the Code of Entry and Residence of Foreigners and Asylum Seekers (CESEDA) ”  to fight against immigration suffered, promote selected immigration and successful integration  ”. Immigration is thus officially recognized for its contribution to our society and measures should promote integration, which requires efforts on both sides. We are well aware that such a subject is complex and that the responsibility of legislators is very heavy to decide in the general interest. We therefore wish to express our alerts.

By giving priority to “chosen” immigration over so-called “endured” immigration against which it would be necessary to fight, a decline in rights linked to respect for family life and the reception of asylum seekers is emerging. This project wants on the one hand to attract talented and competent foreigners, or useful to meet certain manpower needs, but on the other hand to increase the obstacles for those who must benefit from the conventions signed by France on fundamental rights. The tightening of procedures and the multiple extensions of time will endanger the solidity of couples with significant effects on their children. The project drives into despair the thousands of foreigners who have been present in France for a long time, “without papers”, at a time when it would open up the labor market.

This reform is deliberately part of a utilitarian perspective. Foreigners perceived as necessary for the economy will be acceptable in France, the human person and his personal situation becoming secondary and his rights restricted. It is our duty as Christians to remember that man must always be at the heart of our choices and the law always aim to protect the weakest.. The first to “undergo” migration are those who are pushed onto the roads of exile, constrained by poverty and bad governance. The common good, which is not limited to our borders, requires marking a real and proclaimed priority for development, in particular so that no one is forced to emigrate against their will. Development aid in the world and welcoming foreigners have become major responsibilities which require increased solidarity and a questioning of our lifestyles. As citizens and Christians we cannot accept the vision of a society centered on itself, nor therefore this vision of man who goes against our tradition and our convictions for the common good.

Motivated by solidarity and the defense of the weakest, in partnership with many members of civil society, our organizations, movements, associations and Christian services refuse that increasingly restrictive measures propel thousands of men and women into precariousness and despair.

We therefore consider it necessary to raise awareness, to call for vigilance, for information on this bill, which has worrying provisions.

We are committed to taking action so that our society looks at immigration differently.

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