“ While barely two years have passed since the last major reform of immigration legislation, a new bill is being unveiled at the start of the year.
The 2003 reform, of which no assessment has ever been carried out, had already strongly tightened the legislation, making life impossible for thousands of foreigners and their families, filling the detention centers with its blind policy of numbers.
The new project that is presented today can be described as inhuman. It prepares the disappearance of the right of residence for families, spouses, children, of all those who build their life in France. It ratifies the virtual disappearance of this integration tool that was the resident card, and makes the conditions for access to the temporary residence card even more difficult to meet. It thus tends to make the situation of foreigners even more precarious.
If this project is adopted, it will not do good to love a French person, to want to live with his family or to have children. For them, the endless multiplication of conditions will make the hope of regularization very futile. For the others, the “useful” or the “talented”, this project legalizes favors and organizes disposable immigration, with no other right than to be silent and to work.
But this bill does not stop at organizing the disintegration of families and perpetual hiding. It drastically restricts the possibilities to challenge administrative decisions in court. With these modifications, the prefectures will be able without any real control to apply their famous discretionary power, which is above all akin to arbitrariness and the lottery.
Finally, it introduces the reform of the status of reception centers for asylum seekers, by imposing on the associations and organizations which today provide accommodation for asylum seekers a role of police on those refused asylum.
There is nothing to keep from this return to third republic regulations. This project evacuates the human being to see only the workforce. “